Thursday, May 14, 2020

Supreme Court Cases - 1004 Words

How Supreme Court decisions sought to assert federal power over state laws(pp. 240-241) Supreme Court reflected and reinforced nationalism during the post-Ghent years, despite the ominous setbacks concerning slavery. Chief Justice John Marshall continued to dominate the high tribunal. Marshall increased the power of the federal government McCulloch v. Maryland (1819): Maryland attempted to impose tax on Bank of America to destroy it. John Marshall denied the right of Maryland with Hamilton’s doctrine of implied power â€Å"That the power to tax involves the power to destroy† â€Å"That a power to create implies a power to preserve.† â€Å"Loose construction† Marshall considered that the Constitution derived from the consent of the people and thus†¦show more content†¦Woodward (1819) Dartmouth College was granted a charter by King George III in 1769. (Daniel Webster (’01)) New Hampshire state legislature had seen fit to change it. Marshall denied the state and stated that the original charter must stand. The Constitution protected contracts against state encroachments. Marshall buttressed the federal Union and helped to create a stable, nationally uniform environment for business and checked the excesses of popularly elected state legislatures. How Americans debated the scope of government’s role in the economy with the acceleration of a national and international market economy(pp. 232-235) The spirit of national consciousness was formed after the War of 1812 Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper attained international recognition in the 1820s, as the nation’s first writers of importance to use American scenes and themes. School textbooks were written by Americans instead of British for Americans. North American Review began publication in 1815 in world magazine. American painters drew native landscapes. A revived Bank of the United States was voted by Congress in 1816. Reconstruction of the capital. Expansion of the army. â€Å"The American System’’ Construction of factories The path-breaking Tariff of 1816 The first tariff in American history instituted primarily for protection,Show MoreRelatedSupreme Court Case800 Words   |  4 PagesSupreme Court Case Happy Villa May 19, 2014 Loanan Ase In the case of Robert Tolan and Marian Tolan vs. Jeffrey Wayne Cotton, I will be discussing what interest me about this case. I will also deliberating on the liability and criminal liability of this case. The Tolan vs. Cotton case interests me because the United States have so many police that are brutalizing citizens. In some cases the police officers are getting away with it. After reading, reviewing, and studying this case I have learnRead MoreThe Legal Cases Of The Supreme Court919 Words   |  4 PagesThe Supreme Court is the courtroom where all the legal cases dealing with congress or the constitution go to get a final decision. 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