Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Research Social Media in Business Perspective

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Researchfor Social Media in Business Perspective. Answer: Article 1: Harris, L. and Rae, A., 2009. Social networks: the future of marketing for small business.Journal of business strategy,30(5), pp.24-31. Harris and Rae (2009), presents their article with the goal of identifying the future of business developed through Social networks and media. The authors continue the analysis in the same direction and with help of several business examples explain how the social marketing is going to take up the business to the next level. The article well analyzes the aspects of micro-blogging, online communities, branding products online and social networking. The article in comparison, do promote the social networking for businesses and enterprises. However, Harris and Rae (2009), do criticize the issues along with the praises which the Social network deserves for the advantages it will provide. The authors in the article list down the advantages of Social networks among which the top one was users uploading the file which provide businesses to get feedback options so as to provide better services. Another advantage highlighted was the opportunity to create brand images with help of online communities who can help in creating more effective image so as to increase the business. The potential threats and disadvantages were also pointed out. The online community advantage could backfire and may destroy the companys image completely which explained with help of www.getsatisfaction.com that allow customer to provide their experiences in different companies. Privacy and confidentiality were some more disadvantages pointed out. However the article failed to point out the solutions or the ways to deal with the issues and neither did it address the commercial issues that such idea would raise. Harris and Rae (2009), concluded with calling social network as a key to the success for many business. Article 2: De Carolis, D.M., Litzky, B.E. and Eddleston, K.A., 2009. Why networks enhance the progress of new venture creation: The influence of social capital and cognition.Entrepreneurship theory and practice,33(2), pp.527-545. De Carolis, Litzky and Eddleston (2009) proposed in their research of analyzing whether the social capital and cognition influences the business progress and profit. The authors want to measure whether the hype created by the social networks is just vague or does really exist. Harris and Rae (2009) suggests it to be helping enough while De Carolis, Litzky and Eddleston (2009) proposes it to be just and illusion which do effect in the business progress but actually does not have to do with the Consumers effecting through social networks. The authors have identified a marginal support which the Social network or capital provides. The article points out the advantage of social networks for Entrepreneurs who with help of social media can create awareness about their presence among the community, however they later point it out as a disadvantage in long run as they provide them with a false sense of control which amy not exist for a long time. The article laid back in witnessing the great potentials which the social network holds which may become the foundation of the research further. The Author concludes the article with the fact that the social capital has marginal possibility for the progress of the entrepreneurs. Article 3: Woodcock, N., Green, A. and Starkey, M., 2011. Social CRM as a business strategy.Journal of Database Marketing Customer Strategy Management,18(1), pp.50-64. A consumer engagement helps the business errands to run successfully is the belief of Woodcock, Green and Starkey (2011). The authors goal for the research is to establish that the benefits projected by the social media network are true and soon will be adopted by every business. Harris and Rae (2009) and Woodcock, Green and Starkey (2011) seem to agree on the thought that the social network does hold some potential for benefiting the organization and business in the long run with the help of consumers who may directly or indirectly improve their business with their engagement. Financial benefits earned from the customers engagement and insight are the highlighted advantages which the business may gain. Along with that customer satisfaction is earned rather than the Customer frustration. The article has emphasized on the CRM and Social media uses in the business. The authors also highlights some of the disadvantages in his article which being the Over-hype, organization working cultures, project failures due to excess involvement of public and consumers. The article has focused more on the procedures than on the theories and in some way fails to understand its advantage more in detail. Woodcock, Green and Starkey (2011) concludes with the fact that ignoring the customer satisfaction may make the change of success slow. Article 4: Kaplan, A.M. and Haenlein, M., 2010. Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Article:Social Media.Business horizons,53(1), pp.59-68.. The present article written by Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) aims in developing a greater concept over the usefulness or opportunities that the social media creates for todays business which also hides some of the serious challenges which the corporate world needs to look after and work further. The comparative analysis suggests that the article mainly focuses on the social channels excluding those sites which help in registering the customers needs and complaints that is the research has only identified face book, twitter and other resources for Social media. The author finds collaborative working and simulation to be advantageous which provides users to assess the quality of the performance of any event and then work it. The accessing of many people content without permission can be a great disadvantage for the Social media network along with its week integration plan to deduce the research. The author has created well defined research in accordance with those days trends and technologies but yet requires future research so that the study can be far accurately calculated. The article is concluded by the author as the future for the new era of technologies. Article 5: Baruah, T.D., 2012. Effectiveness of Social Media as a tool of communication and its potential for technology enabled connections: A micro-level study.International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,2(5), pp.1-10. Baruah (2012), projects its objective for the research to find out the effectiveness of the Social media. He suggests that the social networks are mainly used for communication but now can also be a part of the corporate world. The article presents all the elements of the research in a very precise and accurate manner. He perceives that the Online sharing of data or information is the most advantageous of all the technologies being developed. The more insight into the projects brings out the disadvantageous of the research where the technologies and online tools are not much efficient in identifying. The research faces some gaps or limitations for example data privacy and impersonal behavior of the article. It concluded offering the insight and reaching the public all over the world in less time and cost. Article 6: Molina?Morales, F.X. and Martnez?Fernndez, M.T., 2010. Social networks: effects of social capital on firm innovation.Journal of Small Business Management,48(2), pp.258-279. Molina?Morales, and Martnez?Fernndez, (2010) focuses their goal of the research to provide insight into the ways of how the social networks helps towards the innovation of the business and firms. Molina?Morales, and Martnez?Fernndez, (2010) show the positive effects and affirms the potential social networks have however De Carolis, Litzky and Eddleston (2009) addresses the fact that it may vague and ambiguous to consider the social capital helpful for the business and related innovations in the firm. The article presents social capital to be advantageous if it is handled tactfully. Social network may not only make the consumer engage but also provide a business insight into some other firm and provides an added advantage. The same was addressed as disadvantage for those businesses that do not addresses this and failed to take most out of it. Some of the gaps identified in the paper can be unsure fact about the social capital dimensions and the interaction between firms and customers not connected to the social network. The author concludes with the fact the social media network does proves to be helpful in letting the firms innovate with help of insight and consumer feedback. Article 7:Liang, T.P. and Turban, E., 2011. Introduction to the special issue social commerce: a research framework for social commerce.International Journal of electronic commerce,16(2), pp.5-14. Liang and Turban (2011) have conducted the research in the light to identify the issues and their solutions in the newly developed field of social commerce. With this objective the authors define six elements in their research which defines social media network more accurately. The authors define social media network tools to be a source of innovation which becomes a great help for the entrepreneurs who want to achieve much in a shorter time. It is said to be a social capital while De Carolis, Litzky and Eddleston (2009) interprets it be an unnecessary hype. The online interaction that the social network provides along with the user contribution and feedback has been considered advantageous whereas the issues and variety of obstacles they pose has been considered disadvantageous. The article does not faces any gaps as such but since the field being considered has developed enormously form that time and thus lags in providing the whole new picture of Social Commerce. The authors though conclude with the statement that social media and its related potential which it will deliver will be the most interesting topic to be explored further. Areticle 8: DiStaso, M.W., McCorkindale, T. and Wright, D.K., 2011. How public relations executives perceive and measure the impact of social media in their organizations.Public Relations Review,37(3), pp.325-328. The research performed by DiStaso, McCorkindale and Wright (2011) has provided a survey with the insight or understanding of the drivers of the social media. The article has noted down the challenges and opinions that the people have conceptualized over time about Social media and its network. The article presents a different research analysis which follows a dissimilar structure in comparison to the other articles taken under consideration. The article directly covers the opinions and feedbacks hence prove to be highly important. The article considers every advantages of the social media network from every element of market that is customer, competitors, employees and other staffs. The maximum information that the article delivers about every aspect is also a good point. DiStaso, McCorkindale and Wright (2011) identifies lack of control over the situation a great disadvantage which may result positive or negative opinion from the consumers. Adapting to such Monet crisis and impact it creates the mmediacy is another identified disadvantage. The research conducted does provide a good analysis. Article 9: Richter, D., Riemer, K. and vom Brocke, J., 2011. Internet social networking.Business Information Systems Engineering,3(2), pp.89-101. The article by Richter, Riemer and vom Brocke (2011) aims to understand the benefits of Social media network and how it incorporates into the context of corporate world and associates with it. The article has performed much relative and accurate research towards the field in a way to develop and present much stronger facts about it. Unlike other researchers conducted it presented a better secondary research which provides some accurate data about social media and also further emphasizes on creating better understanding for the challenges that the subject surrounds today. The article yet presents some of the mostly identified advantages of the Social media network of providing semi-automated ways to the companies for tapping into with help of APIs for harvesting customers. It also works towards creating market intelligence for better productivity and growth of the company. Along with that the research also threw light on the disadvantage of SMN which being disclosure of the personal information leading to the privacy breach and risky environment for teenagers and younger generation with threats if harassment and abuse. The article do faces some limitation and has given some references for the future research. Those limitations can be highlighted as concentrated focus on SSNs and ISNs ignoring the huge role played by websites which exhibit much more marketing conducted by companies to create business. Those phenomenons which are more prominently witnessed on these platforms have been excluded and becomes research fragments of future. The authors concludes with the invasion of such innovation may become prominent with passing time as the children of this generation are more involved in technologies.

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