Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Interview with Elderly Person - 1101 Words

Running Head CAREFUL THINKING Jo Perkins BUS 604: New Business Venture Management Effective Viewing for an Effective Outcome Professor Dr. Jorge Cardenas July 23, 2012 Introduction Elderly people are so comfortable in their own skin because they have lived their lives and some have a continuance, which indicate that this is a true blessing and most of them still have their right frame of mind in order to assist in their living conditions along with their personal retirement plans. The elderly sometimes need that extra assistance from families that sometimes may require time that the families are unable to adjust due to their personal lives. There are personal care homes and nursing homes available that can and will take up the†¦show more content†¦Management It is so very hard to accomplish such an idea because this is a well thought process and making sure that such trends and accomplishments concerning the goals of the venture are met has to be constructed for the basis of success. Team work is involving each individual with self- motivation and character with the willingness to work together. High efficiency and high effectiveness chooses the right goals to pursue and make good use of resources to achieve goals. This considers the customer base for the venture because what is presented to the customers and how well it is presented from beginning to end is the number one key. Providing a self-managed team will cohere to wanting to succeed at an abundant load. Managerial skills require both education and experience in order to recognize and develop the personal skills needed to put organizational resources to the best use. Conceptual, human, and technical skills create the whole system of managerial control insisting that typically planning and organizing require higher levels of conceptual skills, while leading and controlling require more human and technical skills (Jones amp; George, 2007). 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